Friday, April 28, 2017

The pipeline

The oil pipeline that wants to be made is a big deal, there are people who think that this is a big mistake for many reasons. There are others that think it is a great idea and it should be done, I personally think it's a mistake. To be more in depth this is a oil pipeline that want to pass through Canada and Nebraska as well, so this pipeline will be passing through two more states. The main disputes that people are having about this pipeline is that; 1. It is going to pass through land that belongs to natives. 2. It will make a lot of harm to the land and could make it unable to sustain life if the oil is to spill. To expand more on these the natives that have right to the land don't want to let them build the pipeline, it is sacred to them. How it can damage the land is if there is a spill it will go all over the environment and it can get in to the water supply of people and animals. If the pipeline is built they will find a way to stop the construction by any means necessary. I think they are dong the right thing, to stand against it to protect there home. Farmers don't want to give up there land for something like this to wasted on something so unnecessary. I think is becoming a big problem for people who are living in this situation they will have to deal with people who will want to put them down and crush there spirit.

1 comment:

  1. In this blog I found, there is an article called, "The pipeline." Seapanda states that they think it is wrong that this pipeline going through the US is a bad thing and I completely agree.

    When I first heard about this happening, it really made me upset that people really think it's okay to come through preserved land and just take it away. Seapanda said that there are two issues and one being the land actually belongs to somebody and the other being the actual problem that the land could no longer be able to sustain life. I actually think there is just one more issue that might come along with this and it's the moral issue of it all. Does the government really think that it's okay to do this and if they are able to do this, what else can they think they get away with? You give the government an inch and they're going to take a mile. The pipeline issue here in America shouldn't have ever started and I think that it should just be dropped. I just hope that the natives keep trying to push them away. I liked reading this article and I agree with them 100%!
